Recently, my colleague Jessie Domingo wrote an article on the Stein-Clinton recount efforts. Well, those recount efforts are not turning out as the two women had hoped. Now, Jill Stein is halting her Pennsylvania recount push. Her reasons why will make your head spin.

Wisconsin Recount Results

The recount is not yet complete in Wisconsin, but day three results are not boding well for Stein or Clinton. In fact, it is President-elect Trump who is coming out the winner, again. You can get the latest on the recount results here.

These results may only be surprising to the left. They are an ego-maniacal mob of sore losers who cannot accept that their five minutes is up.

However, as recount efforts may be coming to an end, the corruption behind the efforts may just be coming to light.

Pennsylvania Recount Halted

Stein has now halted her recount push in Pennsylvania. She is citing lack of funds as one reason for stopping her lawsuit. A preposterous statement by any account.

The state of Pennsylvania requires a $1-million-dollar surety bond to conduct a statewide recount without precipitating evidence.  A price Stein called an “exorbitant figure” and “a shameful, unacceptable barrier to democratic participation,”

Yes, demanding a massive, time-consuming, and expensive election recount because you want to interfere with the democratic process isn’t a barrier to “democratic participation”. Ridiculous statements aside, the big question now is where is the $7-million dollars Stein has already raised?

Where is the Money?

Stein raised more than three times the amount of money for her recount than she did for her presidential election campaign. After raising over $6 million dollars, she recently raised her target goal to $9.5 million according to  ZeroHedge.

Are American’s really expected to believe that the people who didn’t bother to vote for Stein are now sending her millions from their government checks?

We can be relatively certain Hillary’s snowflake supporters have donated some money to the effort, hoping Trump will be defeated. But $7 million is just too much of a stretch for any reasonable person to accept.

It would seem now, that Stein is hoping to cash-in on the hopes of Clinton followers. Why else would she be unwilling to spend $1 million on a recount she deemed necessary? According to some reports, half of the money will likely go to lawyers. That still leaves at least $3.5 million unaccounted for.

Stay Tuned for the Truth

Source Credit: progressivestoday.comSource Credit:

Did Jill Stein just earn a $ 4 million-dollar paycheck to be Hillary’s “fall girl”?

It appears that the snowflakes are catching on to the recount scam. The “generous” contributions are all but ceasing since the dropping of Stein’s recount lawsuit became public. Or, could it be that George Soros has decided he cannot buy Hillary the White House via a recount effort? 

Stay tuned to Monday Monday Network as we continue to follow the money trail behind the Stein-Clinton recount.

Who do you think is funding the recount efforts? Tell us in the comments and your thoughts may be included in our follow-up story.

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Recently, my colleague Jessie Domingo wrote an article on the Stein-Clinton recount efforts. Well, those recount efforts are not turning out as the two women had hoped. Now, Jill Stein is halting her Pennsylvania recount push. Her reasons why will make your head spin.

Wisconsin Recount Results

The recount is not yet complete in Wisconsin, but day three results are not boding well for Stein or Clinton. In fact, it is President-elect Trump who is coming out the winner, again. You can get the latest on the recount results here.

These results may only be surprising to the left. They are an ego-maniacal mob of sore losers who cannot accept that their five minutes is up.

However, as recount efforts may be coming to an end, the corruption behind the efforts may just be coming to light.

Pennsylvania Recount Halted

Stein has now halted her recount push in Pennsylvania. She is citing lack of funds as one reason for stopping her lawsuit. A preposterous statement by any account.

The state of Pennsylvania requires a $1-million-dollar surety bond to conduct a statewide recount without precipitating evidence.  A price Stein called an “exorbitant figure” and “a shameful, unacceptable barrier to democratic participation,”

Yes, demanding a massive, time-consuming, and expensive election recount because you want to interfere with the democratic process isn’t a barrier to “democratic participation”. Ridiculous statements aside, the big question now is where is the $7-million dollars Stein has already raised?

Where is the Money?

Stein raised more than three times the amount of money for her recount than she did for her presidential election campaign. After raising over $6 million dollars, she recently raised her target goal to $9.5 million according to  ZeroHedge.

Are American’s really expected to believe that the people who didn’t bother to vote for Stein are now sending her millions from their government checks?

We can be relatively certain Hillary’s snowflake supporters have donated some money to the effort, hoping Trump will be defeated. But $7 million is just too much of a stretch for any reasonable person to accept.

It would seem now, that Stein is hoping to cash-in on the hopes of Clinton followers. Why else would she be unwilling to spend $1 million on a recount she deemed necessary? According to some reports, half of the money will likely go to lawyers. That still leaves at least $3.5 million unaccounted for.

Stay Tuned for the Truth

Source Credit: progressivestoday.comSource Credit:

Did Jill Stein just earn a $ 4 million-dollar paycheck to be Hillary’s “fall girl”?

It appears that the snowflakes are catching on to the recount scam. The “generous” contributions are all but ceasing since the dropping of Stein’s recount lawsuit became public. Or, could it be that George Soros has decided he cannot buy Hillary the White House via a recount effort? 

Stay tuned to Monday Monday Network as we continue to follow the money trail behind the Stein-Clinton recount.

Who do you think is funding the recount efforts? Tell us in the comments and your thoughts may be included in our follow-up story.

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