2North Korea’s Latest Failed Missile Test

Kim Jong-Un | Photo Credit ABC News

North Korea launched another missile over the weekend that fell flat. President Trump responded on Twitter to the incident, “North Korea disrespected the wishes of China and its highly respected President when it launched, though unsuccessful, a missile today. Bad!”

Based on the fact that President Trump included the “highly respected” Chinese president, it’s possible that he could reach out to China to get the North Koreans to stop their various verbal threats and missile tests.

Defense Reporter Discusses White House Reaction

Politco defense reporter Jacqueline Kilmas reports:

“I don’t know that anyone expected a missile launch necessarily, but the frequency of them has certainly picked up. We saw the President tweet about it, saying it was disrespectful to the Chinese president, so that suggests that he could speak more with the Chinese to get North Korea to tone down the rhetoric.”

“I think we’ll definitely see President Trump try to work more through the Chinese, through that channel, to try and stop these kinds of tests. The USS Carl Vinson was scheduled to be there late this month, so if it’s not already there, it’s close. US military assets are in the region if the US military decides to go with a military response.”

“Right now, I think we’re waiting to see what the administration will decide to do.”


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