Increasing the Burdens

Photo credit: Early to Rise

The last ten years have taken an undeniable toll on American taxpayers. Funding illegal immigrants, Syrian refugees, and ObamaCare, has taken food off their tables. President Trump is hard at work trying to change all that. However, Democrats are standing in his way. Now, they want to increase the burden with a plan for single-payer health care.

Failed presidential candidate and well-known socialist, Bernie Sanders, is introducing his scheme in the Senate today. The “Medicare for All” plan calls for an overhaul of American health insurance. His revved-up, more generous version of Medicare will replace nearly all private health insurance.

More importantly, the plan gives the federal government total control of healthcare.

Nevertheless, Senator Sanders believes Americans are ready for the social welfare initiative.  “The American people are catching on to where the Republicans are coming from, they see the limitations of the Affordable Care Act and they’re looking at the alternatives,” Sanders said. “And this is a rational alternative.” 

At the risk of sounding disagreeable, how is any of this rational? It’s irrational on every level. Americans, well Trump supporters at least, are seeing firsthand the crisis resulting from ObamaCare. Why in the world would they support another plan controlled by the government? Single-payer health care is an economic disaster waiting to happen.

Nonetheless, the proposal has a great deal of support from the left. So far, fifteen Democrat Senators are co-sponsoring the bill. That is one-third of the full Democratic caucus. The list of sponsors includes a who’s who of 2020 presidential hopefuls-including Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kamala Harris of California and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

A Costly Mistake

Photo credit: Chronicle Herald-Canada

Similarly, Representative John Conyers of Michigan introduced his “Medicare for All” in the House. It currently has 117 co-sponsors. However, Dr. Robert Moffit, Senior Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, concludes their plans will be a nightmare for both patients and taxpayers.

“Traditional Medicare is neither a purely single-payer system nor is it without problems,” writes Dr. Moffit. “They’re broad-based with heavy taxation and the imposition of government cost controls.” In addition, this system ensures trouble accessing care, long waiting lists, and denial of services.

Single-payer programs will lead to condemning the sick and elderly to die, based on cost analysis. Case in point: the tragedy of little Charlie Gard.

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