A burpee is one of those exercises you’re most likely to see on the “How to get fit in X days’ videos.

It’s been massively supported by TV personalities and fitness coaches. However, it’s also been sort of a trend among dog trainers and vets! Imagine this – apparently, this exercise works extremely well for the both of you – the dog and the owner. What can be more fun than getting more fit while playing and exercising your dog? 


Step 1

To do a burpee, begin by simply jumping up (with your dog joining in, or not); then hop down into a push-up position; do a complete push-up (mind your back level) and after that touch your feet by your hands and hop up again. You can hold your dog’s toy in your hand and this way making them follow your lead. However, many dogs instinctively try to mimic your actions.

Step 2

Try throwing a toy or a ball before the initial first jump and manage to complete the push-up and recovery in time before the dog brings back the toy. This part can be tricky, don’t get yourself in trouble having to do the burpee really fast. Especially at the first stages, you’re much better off giving yourself more time for the exercise.

Step 3

Continue rehashing burpees until your dog comes back with the toy and restart the activity for both of you.

Step 4

It might be hard on your cardio at first, so start with five burpees and have several sets of those fives.

Step 5

This is a fun combo exercise: you get a high cardio workout and your pet gets the opportunity to play catch!


This is an excellent exercise for the growing German Shepherd. They love physical activity when it’s combined with your workout – there’s no better way to spend time with your pet. Not only do you train (and I mean, both of you) this also helps the dog to understand its master better. You can often see those funny videos of dogs jumping all over their owners when they are trying to do a handstand or something. Obviously, they are unaccustomed to seeing their owners do something like this and they try to help them out. 

Don’t make your dog think you’re having a stroke or going mad when exercising! Make them feel comfortable around you and actually engage and participate in your daily routine. Daily walks and playing for a part on the weekend may not be enough for a German Shepherd. 

Workouts are the perfect activity for bonding. And not only for guys in a fraternity but for dog owners and their beloved pets. Get your routine going and you’ll see changes not only in your shape but also in how you communicate with your pet. This really is the way to make you understand your pet better and make them feel more connected to you.

Keep your mind open for getting more and more exercise and workouts that you can do, not only by yourself but with your German Shepherd. Stay tuned to find out other cool exercises for you and your dog!


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