Sadie Robertson’s eating disorder recently came to light when the young star opened up about her struggles in a blog post. Sadie admitted she struggled with an eating disorder and unhealthy thought patterns shortly after competing on Dancing With The Stars. Here’s what she had to say about her disorderly habits.

Sadie Robertson’s Eating Disorder

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Sadie Robertson’s eating disorder went completely unnoticed by the media, and her family. Only recently has the star opened up about her struggles. The blog is a part of a new trend in the Robertson family. The young stars are reaching out to their fans through the internet, and describing their real life battles

Sadie recounted some of her unhealthy habits and thought patterns in the post. She describes obsessive compulsive behavior, and a deep anxiety. “I struggled with an eating problem connected to a negative body image for about a year. It was dark. It was ugly. It was insanely difficult. It was done in secret. It was hidden. I did not even tell my own mother until recently,” Sadie explained.

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The Duck Dynasty star exhibited standard symptoms and compulsions that many eating disorder sufferers go through. “My thoughts instantly went to the imperfections. The blemishes. The flaws,” Sadie remembered. “At least five times a day, I would wrap my hands around my thighs, making sure they hadn’t grown beyond what I could reach. I knew each little calorie that was in every bite of food I took. I talked about food all of the time”

There’s Hope

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Sadie says she is now healthy, enjoying food, and feeling better than ever. She is happy to be sharing in God’s beauty, instead of obsessing over the western world’s unrealistic standards. “I drank a large mint mocha cooler this morning, while I worshipped and rooted myself in truth, and girls…I am feeling good. If it means being “less beautiful” in the world’s eyes, that’s okay with me.”

Can you believe Sadie Robertson’s eating disorder went unnoticed for so long?

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