President-elect Donald Trump now appears to be “letting sleeping dogs lie,” rather than following through with one of his campaign messages. He has said, “If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into [Hillary Clinton’s] situation.” President Trump | Photo Credit CNBCPresident Trump | Photo Credit CNBC

Donald Trump’s Interview with The New York Times

Recently, in a quote shared in The New York Times, Donald Trump changed his view. “I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t,” Mr. Trump said during a wide-ranging interview with The New York Times. “She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways, and I am not looking to hurt them at all.”

Some Trump supporters will likely feel betrayed by these comments, but others will realize that Clinton is old news compared to the real needs and musts of the presidency under the Trump Administration.

Regardless, what message will this newfound forgiveness send to Washington?

President Trump | Photo Credit CNBCPresident Trump | Photo Credit CNBC

Trump Fighting the Liberal Media and Obama

The liberals proved fully entranced within the Obama administration over the past eight years. They now want to see Trump fail. They will continue to taunt and sabotage President Trump in the media, whenever they can.

They’ve already leaked information from private meetings with Mr. Trump. And it’s possible that they could release battle plans for Trump’s attack on ISIS or other major issues, if given the chance.

Leaking this type of information is a crime, such as the classified data Hillary Clinton exposed through unprotected channels, but it still occurs.

In a desire to mend the divisive gap created by liberal propaganda, Mr. Trump has indicated he may be willing to offer Hillary Clinton a pass for her criminial negligence. But is this the best decision for our nation?

There are concerns that others who consider themselves above the law, like Hillary Clinton, may act out in a similar manner, thinking they are also untouchable. If and when the Democrats retake the White House, it is possible they could reinstitute efforts to politicize the Justice Department, IRS, FBI, and more, allowing government officials to run amuck freely, while citizens are found guilty for similar or lesser offenses.

The message sent to D.C. and those in future Democratic positions today, may determine the bravado of those in power tomorrow.

So what do you think? Is President-elect Trump’s decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton a small issue in relation to his desire to unite our nation, or should he make a different choice? Why do you believe the way you do?

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