Recent MRIs taken at Harvard prove mindfulness meditation builds new brain cells while increasing grey matter in the brain. Some test results showed it only took two months for physiological effects to take place in the brain’s grey matter. The practice of meditation was proven to reduce stress in the practitioner as well. The scans showed the main areas of growth were in the amygdalae and hippocampus.

The amygdalae is the area of the brain responsible for controlling anxiety and stress. The Hippocampus is the brain’s operating system for memory, awareness, introspective thinking and compassion. The study proves mindfulness meditation builds brain cells. When the amygdalae shrinks because of meditation the frontal cortex is allowed to grow in mass. The frontal cortex is responsible for the brains decision making capabilities. When the frontal cortex increases in size, addictions, worry and compulsive habits become weakened.

With increased grey matter, new neurological pathways can be created making concentration easier. Also, things like negative beliefs and limiting decision making capabilities can be dissolved as well. Science is truly proving the benefits of practicing mindfulness meditation is very real. There are several ways to practice meditation. Self-induced relaxation is one way along with guided meditation.

How Do You Practice Guided Meditation?

Guided meditation is practiced with an actual human guide or through the use of audios. Guided meditations can be focused around a specific problem area like anxiety or negative emotions. They can also be generalized mindfulness meditations for simple relaxation. Practicing guided meditations are great for anyone new to the practice. You can also find them or create them with music. Once you accomplish results with guided meditations it’s easy to switch to a basic mindfulness meditation.

How to Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Your basic mindfulness meditation is simple, focused breathing. Practicing the art daily will help to improve your life in many ways. In my opinion, meditation is one of the key components to ending addictions as well as dealing with the stress of daily life. I’ve personally been practicing meditation for 5 years now and it’s changed my life entirely.

It’s nice to see science is finally showing hard, substantial evidence to prove meditation has positive effects on the body, mind and soul. Meditation is also one of the primary tools for self-love and acceptance. Each time you meditate you reconnect with source. As a spiritual being, reconnecting with source on a regular basis is fundamental for staying grounded. Life is chaotic, but through the use of meditation you can create a life that is more balanced and harmonious. Suddenly you wake up one day and you realize everything you’ve been so worried about isn’t all that important.

Consciousness as a whole is shifting on a planetary level. It was his holiness the Dali Llama who said if every 8-year-old was taught meditation, we would end world violence in one generation. That’s something to think about, if you’re new to meditation, that’s ok because it’s easy. Just find somewhere comfortable, free from distractions and relax. Then focus on your breathing, in through your nose and out through your mouth. When your mind starts to run, return to focusing on your breathing. With practice, a simple mindfulness meditation can change your life forever. But you don’t have to quote me on that, you can take it straight from the doctors at Harvard.

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