Easy Crafts Using T-Shirts – Repurpose Your Old Shirts

Easy crafts using T-shirts are a perfect way to repurpose those old shirts.

It could be out of style, just doesn’t fit you anymore (based on personal experience), or has been destroyed by wear and tear, a t-shirt can be used to make gorgeous craft projects.

While distressed shirts are turning into a fad, the changing season will make you want to cover those rips and holes.

These easy crafts, using shirts can be done.  Continue reading to hear what you can do with them…

Easy Crafts Using T-shirts #1: Quilt http://totallystitchin.net/articles/diy-simple-t-shirt-quilt-part-1

Some shirts, like other things and souvenirs, have memories that come with them. This is one of the reasons why you might not want to donate it or give it away.

Nobody blames you. Some shirts bring back memories and memories are worth preserving. Especially if the shirt has prints.

A shirt quilt can be made easily and doesn’t need advanced sewing skills. First, just cut the side of the shirts with prints into whatever shape you want. After that, just sew the pieces together using your regular quilting stitch.

You can use this as a blanket or hang it in your room.

Easy Crafts Using T-shirts #2: Pillowcases https://modgrls.wordpress.com/2012/01/28/stop-do-not-throw-out-that-t-shirt-upcycle-it/

Alternatively, you may also turn your memory-filled shirts into pillowcases.

This craft project requires little effort. Especially if sowed before, this will be easy peasy.

First, just lay down the shirt you want to convert into a pillowcase flat on any surface. Cut the shirt horizontally where the print begins.

Next, turn the shirt inside-out. Close one end by sewing it, either by hand or machine. Attach zipper on the other open side.

Easy Crafts Using T-shirts #3: Headband http://www.crafthubs.com/t-shirt-headbands/1665

Fabric headbands are very “in” any time of the year.

If you can do this with different colors of clothes, this can be paired with any of your daily outfits. (You sure can because it only takes minutes to do this!)

This can be done by cutting strips on the shirt horizontally. The number of strips will depend on what braid you want to do.

Make sure to leave some of the fabric un-braided. You can sew one end into a loop and a button on the other to serve as the lock.

Easy Crafts Using T-shirts #4: T-shirt Rug https://howtomakeamess.wordpress.com/2010/08/18/how-not-to-make-a-t-shirt-rug/

For your bedside or living room, you can make this rug by cutting shirts into small strips and tying them on a rubber grid mat.

Cover the mat thoroughly to create a fluffy addition to your home. This is perfect for those cold months, as you step onto that cold floor (but now you won’t have to!)

Easy Crafts Using T-shirts #5: Braided Flip-flop Straps http://www.makeit-loveit.com/2011/07/flip-flop-refashion-part-1-braided-straps.html

Give new life to those old flip-flops by turning them into fashionable sandals.

Simply cut the rubber straps from the flip-flop first. Next, select a t-shirt that complements the color of your flip-flops.

Cut two groups of thin strips for each flip-flop and braid them. Insert each braided strap into the two holes in the middle of the flip-flip flop.

Gather the other ends of the straps into the front hole. Finally, tie a string in the section falling between your big and second toe.

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