Too Late For Colbert?

Photo credit: CBS After living in Obama’s America for eight long years, it’s hard to find anything shocking. People have all come to expect the liberal tantrums that permeate their news feeds on a daily basis. Nevertheless, on occasion, a looney leftist says something so disgusting that everyone’s jaws hit the floor. That day came on Monday, when Late Show host Stephen Colbert, went on a vile, profanity-laced rant against President Trump.

Colbert’s tantrum came in response to President Trump having abruptly ended an interview with CBS’ Face the Nation host, John Dickerson. President Trump jokingly referred to Dickerson’s show as “Deface the Nation” during the interview, and then later he walked out after Dickerson tried to corner him over his wiretapping statements.

 “Donald Trump, John Dickerson is a fair-minded journalist and one of the most competent people who will ever walk into your office, and you treat him like that?” Colbert said. After his opening lead-in, what happened next was both vulgar and reprehensible.

“Mr. President, I love your presidency. I call it Disgrace the Nation,” he began. “You’re not the POTUS- you’re the BLOTUS.” You’re the…

“Glutton with the Button”

Photo credit:

Colbert’s diatribe grew substantially more repulsive with every word he uttered.

“You’re the presi-dunce but you’re turning into a real prick-tator. Sir, you attract more skinheads than free Rogaine,” Colbert continued. “You have more people marching against you than cancer. You talk like a sign-language gorilla that got hit in the head.” 

As revolting as all this was, it was this statement that solidified Colbert as being truly repugnant:

“In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s c*ck holster.” 

Never, has there been a sitting president that has been treated with such disrespect. Just imagine for a moment, what would’ve happened if someone like Sean Hannity or Bill O’Reilly made these vulgar comments about Obama. This was not only distasteful-but it was dishonorable by any standards.

The problem, however, is that the left has no standards. 

They talk a good game about “tolerance and acceptance” yet the definition of those words remains elusive to them. CBS should be completely ashamed of Colbert’s behavior and if they have any sense of decency he’ll be in the unemployment line very soon.

Do you think Stpehen Colbert should be fired? Tell us in the comments and share this story on Facebook.





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