Heart disease describes a range of conditions that affect your heart and are a major threat to the health of the elderly. Making sure your heart is as healthy as possible will keep you from numerous possible heart disorders.

You are never too young – or too old – to take care of your heart. Here are a few things to keep in mind to prevent heart disease.

Hands of old senior showing heartCredits: Adobe StockQuit Smoking

If smoking is part of your routine, it’s time to kick that unhealthy habit. Smoking damages your lungs and it also affects the heart. Smoking damages your arteries’ lining which builds up fatty material and narrows your arteries. The carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke reduces the amount of oxygen in your blood and can cause a heart attack or stroke. There are lots of ways to help you quit smoking, but the most needed step is persistence. This is the key.

Eat Healthy

Eating healthy doesn’t just give you the right number of nutrients your body needs, it also helps make your heart healthy. Keep fresh fruits and raw veggies on the counter or in the fridge and keep healthy snacks in the pantry. When you see the fruits and vegetables first, you won’t be as tempted to eat foods that are bad for you. A healthy diet can also increase your chances at survival after experiencing heart attack by relieving pressure on your heart’s blood circulation.

Get Physical

Getting enough exercise is one of the components you need to keep your heart healthy. You don’t have to do heavy exercise. If you live in the city, try parking your car a block from your place and walk a bit further to your house. You can do the same thing at the grocery store. You don’t need the closest spot, try parking a little further out. This way, you will be able to get the exercise that you need doing your normal activities. Exercise does not even have to be done outside your house. You can do simple exercises inside the comfort of your home. This can lower your risk of suffering from heart diseases or stroke. Of course, before starting any physical routine, check with your doctor first. 

Maintain Healthy Weight for a Healthy Heart

Excess weight can increase your risk of stroke and heart diseases. Watch the number of calories you are taking in as this is one way of losing weight painlessly. Maintaining  healthy body weight not just gives you a healthy heart but it will also boost your confidence.

Control Cholesterol

Too much cholesterol in your blood can lead to fat deposits that will build up in the walls of your arteries and can cause heart disease. Your arteries will become narrow and the blood flow to your heart will slow down. But there are two types of cholesterol, the bad and the good. It’s the bad cholesterol that you need to look out for. To help keep your cholesterol level down, consume foods that are low in saturated fat and trans-fat. Eat lean chicken or turkey (remove the skin), low-fat or fat-free dairy products, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains.

Making healthy choices will make your life happier, and your heart healthier. Why not start today?


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