
For generations, grandmothers, especially maternal grandmothers filled the wisdom gap with new mothers. There was an overall cultural respect grandmothers once enjoyed. So, what about now? Where does the young mother in this culture turn to for guidance and support? 

The Internet? Her peers? Pediatricians are usually the most respected source of information. Then, of course, if they write a book–well it there you have it–instant professional parent.

These are not good supplements for an active grandmother in the life of a new mother. A pediatrician is the right choice when a child is sick. Likewise, he is a great resource to follow up with development concerns. However, their answers in nurturing children are limited to a 10-minute office visit and a prescription.

As grandmothers, we are the first line of defense. 

Even the best family doctor is not necessarily the best candidate to advise a young woman on the stresses and everyday issues of raising a family. From breastfeeding to rebellion, he has only second hand and book knowledge.

Have you ever noticed that we have countless professions and numerous government programs that have attempted to fill the void of grandmothers? And yet, young mothers’ are feeling extremely lonely. They long for someone to understand. Who better than you to fill the gap?

Who better than you to fill that need?

Don’t feel qualified? 

Back in the December 5, 2006 issue of Woman’s World, ran an article on parenting coach Toni Schutta of Families First Coaching. The article highlighted two mothers that were at the end of their ropes. 

The crisis? For one mother it was the morning battles of getting children out of bed and out the door. For the other, it was getting her three-year-old into bed each night.

Both married, working mothers and obviously intelligent young women. Yet they expressed extreme frustration with nowhere to turn.

One mother admitted that she was so frustrated that she cried herself to sleep at night. She was also alone raising the children, while her husband was fighting overseas. 

What was the golden advice that turned their lives around? Besides a little bribery for good behavior, the bulk of the sage advice offered: An earlier bedtime for grumpy early risers, and a warm bath before bed for the bouncy little guy who couldn’t wind down. 

Why were these simple answers so profound in the lives of these women?

The real help and answers they sought were not found in the simple solutions of bribes and warm baths. In reality, they filled one essential need in the lives of these mothers other women willing to speak into their lives and those of their children.

In reality, they filled one essential need in the lives of these mothers; other women willing to speak into their lives and those of their children. Someone to hear them, without judgment, can you think of a better definition of a grandmother?


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