A Lifetime of give and takes

Marriage is a lifetime of give and takes, loving, arguing, trying to make 2 people fit into one house and one life.  Big Bang Theory gives us all hope as well as instructions on how we can live with others. Men fear change on a whole. They work a lifetime getting their world in order, then they meet a woman and fall in love. Inevitably, she tries to change him. The men of Big Bang have found women (Raj found a dog) who make decisions on what to change and not change in their men.

lifetime of give and takesCredit: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/12/17/sheldon-and-amy-finally-have-sex-on-the-big-bang-theory.html

Howard Wolowitz stuck in the 60’s with his clothes and stuck in the 50’s with his attitude toward women. He married petite Bernadette, with her sweet tiny voice, who when angered is a lion who is ready to devour anyone and anything in her way. Bernadette seems to understand that Howard’s outerwear is a way to relate to the world around him. Bernadette knows that the man under those dated clothes is kind, loving and trying his best to be a good husband. Bernadette chooses to change him to be a good husband- and soon to be dad.

Hope Springs Eternal

Leonard Hofstadter was the one guy who felt he could meld into the ‘cool’ group. He saw no problem with a short, insecure, genius dating a tall, gorgeous blonde across the hall. Every new experience for Leonard is a challenge, but one that he meets with logic, kindness, and a smile. Every time Leonard tries new things, he gets shot down. But with him – hope springs eternal. He uses every put-down experience to learn and he will always try again tomorrow. Penny also understands being shot down – as she wanted to be an actress. She was rejected because her look wasn’t right for the part- or she wasn’t the right age. She, like Bernadette, uses this strength of understanding rejection- to help  Leonard try new looks. Leonard brings encouragement to the table for Penny and encourages her to keep expanding her horizons.

Then there’s Sheldon

Sheldon Cooper- isn’t he a mess. Yet, he found Amy- who has a few social issues herself. They both push, challenge and scold each other for positive change, yet understanding how hard it is for the other partner to conquer the phobias and challenges. She accepts Sheldon- as he accepts her. The two of them together can stand tall in the world around them.

Even Rajesh, who is the unattached male- finds what he needs from everyone in the group. They all show him that life can be exciting- and when he finds the right girl- he will be changed- yet not changed. And then, he has Cinnamon who, like all dogs, loves him as he is. Like I said, Big Bang Theory is a lifetime of give and takes and has something for everyone.

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