Lisa RobertsonScreen shot, Life Today video clip

Alan Robertson is known as the beardless black sheep of the Robertson’s Duck Dynasty family. He was once the prodigal son. When he came home, he became a minister for over 22 years.

Although, he is the beardless brother, his wife Lisa told Randy Robison of Life Today, that the reason is because of her. She doesn’t care for the Robertson bearded look. However, she does allow him to grow one during hunting season.

Lisa Robertson has given the Duck Dynasty fans a look into the lives of the wives behind the bearded men. It’s easy to see that the family is filled with strong women. Their presence is there, even though we don’t get to see much of them. Lisa set out to change all that.

Her book, tells about the “women behind the beards.” Lisa understood that people really don’t know much about the ladies, but more than that she had a message she wanted to get out.

Lisa knows that it’s easy to look at people on television and think that they have it all together. They have arrived. No longer do they have hardship and trials. However, this is just not true.

“Sometimes when you see somebody on TV, you think, well they probably never had a problem in their life. They were probably born with a silver spoon in their mouths.” Lisa told Robison.

She admits, at one time she thought that too. But she knows now thats just not true. Everyone has problems, either by things that have happened to them, or by their own mistakes. We all sin, explains Lisa.

So the women “behind the beards” wanted people to know, who they are and how God changed them–and saved their lives.

Lisa reveals in her book one of the most devastating times in her life.

When Lisa was a little girl, just seven years old, she spent a lot of time at her grandmother’s house. For some people, that would seem like a good thing. And it should be. However, for Lisa, it forever changed the shape of her life.

In that household was another (unnamed) male family member. He sexually abused her at such a young and tender age. This went on until she was about 14 years old.

Although she felt the shame the abuse brought on her, it also created an image for herself, of herself. She believed that was her purpose in life–to satisfy men. This carried into her adult life, and remained with her until about 16 years ago.

While Lisa wants people to know about the women of Duck Dynasty, the larger message she wants people to know is that we need to talk about abuse. Parents need to understand that when this happens to a child–they need to get them help right away.

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Lisa RobertsonScreen shot, Life Today video clip Alan Robertson is known as the beardless black sheep of the Robertson’s Duck Dynasty family. He was once the prodigal son. When he came home, he became a minister for over 22 years.

Although, he is the beardless brother, his wife Lisa told Randy Robison of Life Today, that the reason is because of her. She doesn’t care for the Robertson bearded look. However, she does allow him to grow one during hunting season.

Lisa Robertson has given the Duck Dynasty fans a look into the lives of the wives behind the bearded men. It’s easy to see that the family is filled with strong women. Their presence is there, even though we don’t get to see much of them. Lisa set out to change all that.

Her book, tells about the “women behind the beards.” Lisa understood that people really don’t know much about the ladies, but more than that she had a message she wanted to get out.

Lisa knows that it’s easy to look at people on television and think that they have it all together. They have arrived. No longer do they have hardship and trials. However, this is just not true.

“Sometimes when you see somebody on TV, you think, well they probably never had a problem in their life. They were probably born with a silver spoon in their mouths.” Lisa told Robison.

She admits, at one time she thought that too. But she knows now thats just not true. Everyone has problems, either by things that have happened to them, or by their own mistakes. We all sin, explains Lisa.

So the women “behind the beards” wanted people to know, who they are and how God changed them–and saved their lives.

Lisa reveals in her book one of the most devastating times in her life.

When Lisa was a little girl, just seven years old, she spent a lot of time at her grandmother’s house. For some people, that would seem like a good thing. And it should be. However, for Lisa, it forever changed the shape of her life.

In that household was another (unnamed) male family member. He sexually abused her at such a young and tender age. This went on until she was about 14 years old.

Although she felt the shame the abuse brought on her, it also created an image for herself, of herself. She believed that was her purpose in life–to satisfy men. This carried into her adult life, and remained with her until about 16 years ago.

While Lisa wants people to know about the women of Duck Dynasty, the larger message she wants people to know is that we need to talk about abuse. Parents need to understand that when this happens to a child–they need to get them help right away.

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