They say imitation is the best form of flattery. But in this case, Uncle Si might not be so flattered.

source: The Gospel Herald In Pennsylvania, a man dressed as Duck Dynasty’s Uncle Si walked into a bank. What he did next may just shock you. 

He was a serial bank robber, stealing more than $5,000 in the summer of 2016.

During his robbing spree, Oscar Rodriguez robbed all of these banks while wearing an Uncle Si Halloween costume and carrying a handgun.

Fortunately, the police grabbed him when he tried to rob a Subway back in October. After he pled guilty to his crimes, he got himself four to 10 years in state prison. He accepted any and all responsibility for his actions and even apologized for any pain he may have caused his victims.

A ray of humility — now there’s one thing Rodriguez has in common with Uncle Si.

But humility is something he’s had to learn over the years.

“God knew what he was doing,” he said. “Because if he had gave me this fame when I was 25, I wouldn’t have been worth two cents. He gave it to me in my later years, so it was easy to handle it.”

Duck Dynasty bank robber flaunts his handgun as he robs one of the many banks he entered (photo via The Morning Call)


He also learned to have humility from his uncle’s downfall years ago. Uncle Si’s uncle stuck oil and became millionaires overnight. 

“…They were just country boys and they didn’t know how to handle it,” he said. “And it literally ruined [mu uncle’s] life and eventually killed him.”

If you have humility, you won’t wan to rob a bunch of banks. If you have humility, you won’t be flattered by those who do, even if they try to look like you.

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