The Democrats’ dream of a Michelle Obama 2020 will remain just that, a dream. Michelle Obama 2020President Obama confirms Michelle will never run for office in his interview with Rolling Stone Magazine. Source: Rolling Stone

In an interview with Rolling Stone, President Barack Obama said his wife “will never run for office.”

He added that he can see the resonance his wife has with the American people. However he added, “But I joke that she’s too sensible to want to be in politics.”

Not only will Michelle not run for president of the United States, she will not be running for any office.

The first lady said several times that she wouldn’t run. However, people on the left expressed their hope that she would reconsider. Most of theses supporters have clung to Michelle Obama’s candidacy in 2020 as the Democrats’ last hope.

This started when she delivered her speech during the Democratic National Convention, which surprisingly, was the highlight of the event instead of Hilary Clinton’s.

However, after the elections, believers of Michelle, Hillary, or the Democrats seemed to forgot her statement, “When they go low, we go high,” as evidenced by various violence against Trump supporters.

Previous Stance on Michelle Obama 2020

The Obamas have denied the Michelle 2020 fantasy over and over, but it seems like Dems have no other option for their bet.

In January 2016, the outgoing POTUS told a crowd in Baton Rogue three things in life that are certain:

  1. Death
  2. Taxes
  3. Michelle not running for president.

In March, the FLOTUS herself once again broke news to hopefuls. “I will not run for president. No, nope, not going to do it,” she told people attending the South by Southwest Festival in Austin.

Gambling Experts: Michelle Is Dems’ Best Choice

In a report by The Washington Times, Bavada, an online gambling site, says that Michelle Obama has better odds than any Democrats of winning the White House in four years.

The gambling site said the odds of the FLOTUS winning in 2020 are 12-to-1. Senators Tim Kaine and Elizabeth Warren were given odds of 14-to-1.

However, the website also gave President-elect Trump 2-to-1 odds in the 2020 presidential election. So to catch up, she’s still way behind.

Although Hillary Clinton appears to be done with politics, the site gave her 20-to-1 odds in the elections.

The site explains a problem facing the Democratic party–they lack a credible bunch of candidates with national exposure or influence. (Take note, Hillary had most of Hollywood on her side during the campaign, but she still lost.)

What happened to Bernie? Did he felt betrayed that they chose Hillary over him?

Three PACs Created For Michelle Obama 2020 Run

Because she holds the best odds in their party, Michelle Obama already has three political action committees launched for her “campaign.”

This is after repeated denials that she will ever run.

The Federal Election Commission received paperworks for three unconnected organizations to jumpstart fundraising efforts for Michelle Obama 2020.

One of these is a super PAC, “Ready for Michelle.” They filed applications on October 31st, a week before Hillary’s loss. (Looks like somebody’s got bad blood.)

Super PACs can raise unlimited money for the candidates they support. In Mrs. Obama’s case, the other two regular PACs are “Ready for Michelle” and “Friends of Michelle 2020.”

Do you think Michelle Obama is holding out on plans to run for president in the next election?

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