In a relationship, there are a lot of firsts to keep track of. First date, first kiss, first sex, first time spending the night, first month together, and whatever else people want to celebrate. Sheldon and Amy’ firsts are special because they are their first firsts. Meaning they have not done any of these things with people before meeting one another. Here is a compilation of Shamy firsts in The Big Bang Theory.

First Meeting

ShamySheldon is intrigued by Amy’s similarities to himself by

In Season 3’s finale The Lunar Excitation, Sheldon meets Amy at the coffee shop. Unwillingly he was made to attend the “date” by his friends though it did not turn out to be a date.

First Date

shamyPenny drives Sheldon and Amy to their first date by

The Robotic Manipulation(S4EP1) features Sheldon being persuaded to go on a date with Amy. The two went out to dinner whilst Penny chaperoned and observed.

First Dance

shamySheldon and Amy have a good time showing off their moves by

Yes, Sheldon can dance. Quite well in fact, as we see in Season 4’s The Agreement Dissection. Bernadette and Penny decide to take Sheldon and Amy dancing with them for a memorable night.

this next one is not as clear cut. The first technical kiss happened in…

First Kiss

shamyAmy kisses Sheldon for the first time while she is under the influence by

This one is not as clear cut. The first technical kiss happened in The Agreement Dissection after Amy drunkenly planted one on Sheldon. The first official kiss is largely agreed to not be until The Locomotive Manipulation.

Finally Being Official 

shamySheldon asks Amy to be his girlfriend while Amy is on a date with Stuart by

Amy and Sheldon hang out for a long time without being officially dating. It becomes official status when Sheldon asks Amy to be his girlfriend in The Flaming Spittoon Acquisition(S5EP10).

First Cuddle

shamySheldon cuddles Amy first the first time! By

Cuddles are important in any relationship! Sheldon finally agrees to cuddle with Amy after she has her feelings hurt in The Isolation Permutation (S5EP8). Amy and Penny went bridesmaid dress shopping without her!

First I Love You

shamySheldon tells Amy he loves her by

We find the characters claiming their love for one another on more than one occasion. But the first time they openly admit it to each other is in The Prom Equivalency (8.8).  Note that Sheldon is the only one seen saying the “L” word in this episode.

First Romantic Encounter

shamySheldon is about to deliver Amy’s birthday present by

Probably the most anticipated television event of the year, Amy finally got her moment with Sheldon in The Opening Night Excitation (S9EP11). There may be hope for Sheldon after all.

What was your favorite “first” Shamy moment?

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In a relationship, there are a lot of firsts to keep track of. First date, first kiss, first sex, first time spending the night, first month together, and whatever else people want to celebrate. Sheldon and Amy’ firsts are special because they are their first firsts. Meaning they have not done any of these things with people before meeting one another. Here is a compilation of Shamy firsts in The Big Bang Theory.

First Meeting

ShamySheldon is intrigued by Amy’s similarities to himself by

In Season 3’s finale The Lunar Excitation, Sheldon meets Amy at the coffee shop. Unwillingly he was made to attend the “date” by his friends though it did not turn out to be a date.

First Date

shamyPenny drives Sheldon and Amy to their first date by

The Robotic Manipulation(S4EP1) features Sheldon being persuaded to go on a date with Amy. The two went out to dinner whilst Penny chaperoned and observed.

First Dance

shamySheldon and Amy have a good time showing off their moves by

Yes, Sheldon can dance. Quite well in fact, as we see in Season 4’s The Agreement Dissection. Bernadette and Penny decide to take Sheldon and Amy dancing with them for a memorable night.

this next one is not as clear cut. The first technical kiss happened in…

First Kiss

shamyAmy kisses Sheldon for the first time while she is under the influence by

This one is not as clear cut. The first technical kiss happened in The Agreement Dissection after Amy drunkenly planted one on Sheldon. The first official kiss is largely agreed to not be until The Locomotive Manipulation.

Finally Being Official 

shamySheldon asks Amy to be his girlfriend while Amy is on a date with Stuart by

Amy and Sheldon hang out for a long time without being officially dating. It becomes official status when Sheldon asks Amy to be his girlfriend in The Flaming Spittoon Acquisition(S5EP10).

First Cuddle

shamySheldon cuddles Amy first the first time! By

Cuddles are important in any relationship! Sheldon finally agrees to cuddle with Amy after she has her feelings hurt in The Isolation Permutation (S5EP8). Amy and Penny went bridesmaid dress shopping without her!

First I Love You

shamySheldon tells Amy he loves her by

We find the characters claiming their love for one another on more than one occasion. But the first time they openly admit it to each other is in The Prom Equivalency (8.8).  Note that Sheldon is the only one seen saying the “L” word in this episode.

First Romantic Encounter

shamySheldon is about to deliver Amy’s birthday present by

Probably the most anticipated television event of the year, Amy finally got her moment with Sheldon in The Opening Night Excitation (S9EP11). There may be hope for Sheldon after all.

What was your favorite “first” Shamy moment?

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