Sunday night prior to the debates, Trump went live on Facebook. The Facebook discussion included three women who had previously accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault. The discussion took place in a conference room, near the debate location. The three women Trump was seated near were Juanita Broadderick, Kathleen Willey and Paul Jones.

Each of the three women has been accusing Bill Clinton of sexual assault for years. Another woman on the panel, Kathy Shelton, was also there. She spoke against Hillary for defending a man who raped her when she was 12 years old. Hillary supposedly laughed at her ability to get the rapist off, all the while knowing that he was guilty of the charges.

Brave Women Speak Against Bill

The women were brave to attend the discussion and Trump reported that he was honored to help them. While Trump has been put in the spotlight for his own past experience with women, his actions have been nowhere near that of Bill’s. And, even though Hillary attempted to bash Trump during the debate, she finds it easy to forget about her previous treatment of women.

Every woman that has accused Bill of sexual assault has been put down by Hillary. Hillary has no respect for herself or the women who’ve faced dire challenges because of her husband Bill. Broaddrick said, “Actions speak louder than words.” She was the woman who accused Bill of raping her in 1978.

She then said, “Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don’t think there’s any comparison.”

When a reporter asked Trump why he should be able to touch women without consent, Paula Jones went off. She stated, “Why don’t you go ask Bill Clinton that? Why don’t you ask Hillary as well?”

Paula Jones Defends Trump, Says Bill is the One to Watch Out forJones was an Arkansas state employee. She has previously accused Bill of sexual assault charges and sued him as well when he was Governor. Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway also challenged Hillary. Her challenge was in regards to a Tweet she had written a year prior. Apparently the tweet said, “every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed and supported.”

If that’s the case, wouldn’t Hillary acknowledge the courage the three women had by appearing on the panel? Apparently Hillary responded to a tweet they had sent out. The Tweet she responded to read, “We agree @Hillaryclinton,” it was written by Conway. She then wrote, “Does that go for Juanita, Kathleen, Kathy and Paula? If so, acknowledge them from the stage tonight. #girlpower.”

Hillary is the One to Blame

The women showed more power than most people will ever know. They stepped into the limelight once again to speak their truth about their experience with Bill and Hillary Clinton. Trump showed tonight that he cares about women. Hillary on the other hand was her typical self. Trump said some harsh words during the debate. He is clearly passionate about his belief that if Hillary gets into office, this country will be in for another 4-8 years of pain and struggle.

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