As president of the United States, Conway said, Donald Trump respects what the legislature does and acknowledges its abilities as a separate entity.

President-elect Donald Trump’s senior adviser and campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, spoke to CNN’s Anderson Cooper, maintaining that her boss respects the intelligence community. Conway also assured the commentator that Trump would not interfere with any probes into the Russian Hacking.

“He won’t interfere with an investigation… the legislature can do what it wants,” Conway affirmed.

The Washington Post had published a report stating that the intelligence community shared a “consensus view” that a Russian hacking against political enemies of the president-elect, were intended to help Trump into office. The report was a follow-up to one from mid-October, from seventeen intelligence officials, saying Russia was behind recent cyberattacks in the U.S. But the evidence says something else. 


Russian HackingsKellyane Conway that President-elect Donald Trump and his team will not interfere if the Obama administration decides to do further investigations regarding the alleged “Russian Hacking.” Photo Credit: Business Insider

This is all in response to media reports that Russian hacking had boosted the president-elect to where he is now. Trump has dismissed the idea as “ridiculous”.

Earlier reports had interpreted Trump’s statement as meaning he thinks that the intelligence community is ridiculous. Conway’s statement refutes this and explains what the Republican truly meant.

Politics In Our intelligence

The Trump team has maintained suspicion of these reports, especially since accusers refuse to reveal their evidence and sources. Their resistance definitely makes you wonder. 

Trump’s allies insist there is no evidence that a Russian Hacking favored their candidate. Conway suspects these reports are partisan, saying, “This smells like politics, plain and simple.”

If there were are any investigations planned by the Obama administration, or the people on Capitol Hill, the Trump team has assured they will not interfere. Conway says that despite suspicions, they “absolutely” want to understand what happened. But is there more to the message?

The Truth Behind the Claims

Russian Hacking probeThe Wisconsin and Pennsylvania recount certified President-elect Donald Trump’s electoral win. Is the “Russian Hacking” allegations meant to shake the electoral college? Photo Credit: Metro UK

Conway said in the interview, “We in the Trump presidency, do not want foreign governments interfering in our elections. That’s very clear. We don’t want intelligence interfering in our politics. But we certainly do not want what we have now, which is politics interfering in our intelligence.”

Conway’s statement backs Trump’s earlier responses that these reports must have come from “very embarrassed” Democrats who need to find something to blame for their loss.

Earlier, the Democrats asserted it had been Jim Comey’s fault. Then they spent millions of dollars in recounts — a move which only certified Trump’s win — even widening his advantage over Clinton.

Now that some people allege a Russian hacking is behind Trump’s win, Conway challenged, “How about it was just Hillary and the message?”

Do think this propaganda is the Democrats’ sour grapes?

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