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It’s no secret that there has been a war on Christianity in America. Congress and Obama have done little to the end the assault on the Christian faith. Now, adding insult to injury, Obama signed a bill, while we weren’t looking, to protect religious freedoms. But that’s not all. You won’t believe what it includes — and what it doesn’t.

Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act

Freedom of religion is a Constitutional right. For everyone, regardless of who they choose to worship. But Congress seems to have a double standard when it comes to protecting a Christian’s sacred rights. Why is that not surprising?

Obama signed into law HR 1150, the Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act, on December 16, 2016. It passed Congress with strong bi-partisan support. It’s not a bad law. At least not completely. The intentions are good. But as many laws Congress and Obama have passed, this one is terribly misguided.

It is being celebrated by many on both sides of the political aisle. The bill encourages and protects expression of faith around the globe. But it does nothing to protect Christians in America. Some will say we are already protected here. But are we?

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