Twenty-year-old Sadie Robertson was just stalked by three men in a white van.

Sadie RobertsonSadie Robertson (photo via The Blaze)

Sadie explained the whole situation in an Instagram post, how three men in a white van stalked her at a local mall.

She said these three men followed her to the parking garage and were sitting there waiting for her to get to her car.

“Tonight was a very frightening night,” Sadie wrote on Instagram. “I walked out into the parking garage and saw a white van parked beside my car with 3 men that had been previously been following me in the mall.”

photo by @legitsadierob via

She didn’t give out specific details, but she said, “You hear this story all the time… I won’t go into the details of mine however I’m very thankful tonight to be writing y’all a message of awareness.”

She said even though God protects her, “scary things can happen at anytime, because until the day Jesus comes back evil will still be in the world.”

Sadie went on to express to her 2.8 million followers how thankful she was for different things, like being “protected in the shadow of His wing,” having “peace before I close my eyes,” and that she doesn’t “have to fear anything in the world because this world is not my home.”

After saying she was thankful for “good people,” she went on to be aware and to stay safe in case something like this would happen to them.

“I want to encourage everyone to be aware of your surroundings,” she wrote. “We hear this a lot, but then we also snap chat a lot if ya know what I mean.”

She said, “a minute of not paying attention tonight could [have] created a whole different life for me.”

“I’m praying for bravery over every person who encounters a situation like the one I did tonight,” she concluded.

I smile with joy, peace, and thankfulness tonight before going to bed. Tonight was a very frightening night. I walked out into the parking garage and saw a white van parked beside my car with 3 men that had previously been following me in the mall.You hear this story all the time… I won’t go into the details of mine however I’m very thankful tonight to be writing y’all a message of awareness. Even though we serve a GOOD God let me remind you that scary things can happen at anytime, because until the day Jesus comes back evil will still be in the world. First off, I want to encourage you in saying that that’s when the promises of the Lord are something we have to truly be so thankful for. Today more than any I’m thankful to be able to have joy knowing I’m protected in the shadow of His wing, I’m thankful my heart is able to have peace before I close my eyes though something got my heart beating pretty fast earlier today, I’m thankful I do not have to fear anything in the world because this world is not my home, I’m thankful for the big picture, and honestly I’m really thankful for good people. For my earthly dad who answered the phone to calm my Spirit, and for my Heavenly Father who sends His Spirit to comfort me. For people like @hillsongunited for the words of their songs that I had embedded in my brain when thoughts of fear were wanting to take over. This may sound foreign to you, and if it is don’t feel to lost… I hope some of my videos on YouTube can answer some questions. You can have that same thankfulness and protection. Secondly, I want to encourage everyone to be aware of your surroundings. We hear this a lot, but then we also snap chat a lot if ya know what I mean. We aren’t necessarily the most aware of our surroundings generation, but a minute of not paying attention tonight could of created a whole different life for me. Be aware, always be in prayer, trust your “weird feelings” (Spirit Checks), and call your accountability ALWAYS no matter how sure you are of the situation. We all need help every now and then… don’t be afraid to ask. I’m praying for bravery over every person who encounters a situation like the one I did tonight.

A post shared by Sadie Robertson (@legitsadierob) on Jun 26, 2017 at 9:51pm PDT

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