Some argue that Trump is not ready for the presidency; Trump would argue otherwise. Also, Trump makes the habit of surrounding himself with people who know what they’re doing. One of Trump’s most loyal, trusted advisers is Sid Miller.

Trump decided to appoint Sid as his agricultural adviser a few weeks ago. Miller is giving Trump support along with others like Gov. Sam Brownback of Kansas and former Governor of Texas, Rick Perry. For those of you who live outside of Texas, Sid Miller is most likely unknown to you. However, within the great state, he is extremely well known. He’s one of the last real Texan ambassadors who keeps old Texas traditions alive.

Miller is the agricultural commissioner of the state. He’s also known to be someone who has a deep love for his state. When it comes to Miller, he’s just about as popular in Texas as celebrities like Beyonce. He’s a 61-year-old, blue eyed, wide brimmed hat wearing conservative cowboy. Sid even wears cowboy boots and is an elder at the Cowboy Church of Erath County. He was named champion by the California Roping Association in 2004. Basically, Sid Miller is a bonafied cowboy.

The Texan cowboy spent 12 years in the Texas House of Representatives. Unfortunately, he lost his seat in 2012, but rose to be elected as the state’s agricultural commissioner soon after. Even though him and Trump come from entirely different backgrounds, they get along well as they have quite a bit in common. Trump and Miller appreciate luxury. Hs new office was furnished nicely as he appreciates luxury like Trump. The Texan’s office looks like it was modeled after the set of a John Wayne movie.

sid millerHe also takes good care of his friends, just like Trump. When he was elected as agricultural commissioner, he hires mostly friends and campaign members before seeking outside help. He takes care of his team well too. Mr. Miller believes in the state of Texas and Trump’s ideas he has for the United States as well. He believes in the safety of women.

He is in full support of building a wall for the country, understanding that immigration has to be kept under control. Miller also believes if someone has a problem with the United States, there’s no reason for them to live here. He’ll gladly help ship out anyone who has any disdain for this country without a second thought. Like Trump he doesn’t see a need to support people who openly hate this country, instead seeing them as a threat to be removed entirely.

Trump’s got a good eye when it comes to selecting politicians who don’t stand for any guff when it comes to the country. There is no sympathy for people who would see the United States flag burned. Instead there is every reason to send them back home to where they came from, protecting the people of the United States from a terroristic threat. Sid Miller will help Trump make this country great again when Trump wins in November of 2016.

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Some argue that Trump is not ready for the presidency; Trump would argue otherwise. Also, Trump makes the habit of surrounding himself with people who know what they’re doing. One of Trump’s most loyal, trusted advisers is Sid Miller.

Trump decided to appoint Sid as his agricultural adviser a few weeks ago. Miller is giving Trump support along with others like Gov. Sam Brownback of Kansas and former Governor of Texas, Rick Perry. For those of you who live outside of Texas, Sid Miller is most likely unknown to you. However, within the great state, he is extremely well known. He’s one of the last real Texan ambassadors who keeps old Texas traditions alive.

Miller is the agricultural commissioner of the state. He’s also known to be someone who has a deep love for his state. When it comes to Miller, he’s just about as popular in Texas as celebrities like Beyonce. He’s a 61-year-old, blue eyed, wide brimmed hat wearing conservative cowboy. Sid even wears cowboy boots and is an elder at the Cowboy Church of Erath County. He was named champion by the California Roping Association in 2004. Basically, Sid Miller is a bonafied cowboy.

The Texan cowboy spent 12 years in the Texas House of Representatives. Unfortunately, he lost his seat in 2012, but rose to be elected as the state’s agricultural commissioner soon after. Even though him and Trump come from entirely different backgrounds, they get along well as they have quite a bit in common. Trump and Miller appreciate luxury. Hs new office was furnished nicely as he appreciates luxury like Trump. The Texan’s office looks like it was modeled after the set of a John Wayne movie.

sid millerHe also takes good care of his friends, just like Trump. When he was elected as agricultural commissioner, he hires mostly friends and campaign members before seeking outside help. He takes care of his team well too. Mr. Miller believes in the state of Texas and Trump’s ideas he has for the United States as well. He believes in the safety of women.

He is in full support of building a wall for the country, understanding that immigration has to be kept under control. Miller also believes if someone has a problem with the United States, there’s no reason for them to live here. He’ll gladly help ship out anyone who has any disdain for this country without a second thought. Like Trump he doesn’t see a need to support people who openly hate this country, instead seeing them as a threat to be removed entirely.

Trump’s got a good eye when it comes to selecting politicians who don’t stand for any guff when it comes to the country. There is no sympathy for people who would see the United States flag burned. Instead there is every reason to send them back home to where they came from, protecting the people of the United States from a terroristic threat. Sid Miller will help Trump make this country great again when Trump wins in November of 2016.

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