Only in America could a major mainstream news outlet support a play that depicts the assassination of the president, then allow their writers to call him a pig for questioning their journalistic principles. Yet that is exactly what happens in a recent New York Times piece by liberal columnist Maureen Dowd.

Photo credit: Gateway Pundit

It’s a fine example of everything we’ve come to hate about the media.

Titled “Cruella de Trump,” the repugnant article gives but a mere glimpse into the media’s hatred for President Trump. Referencing the president’s Morning Joe tweets, Dowd showed her true colors in the first paragraph. “So, with this latest toad jumping from our president’s mouth, is Donald Trump acting like a sexist pig or simply a pig?” she wrote. “I proffer, a pig.”

Dowd continued her tirade accusing President Trump of being “vile” and belittling women, herself included. It was clear from the start that Dowd was playing her victim card in a blatant attempt to invoke sympathy from her readers. “He often tweets that women journalists-including me-are crazy,” she exclaimed.

Throughout the article, Dowd continuously lambasts the president, disparaging him on everything from his tweets to his “heartless” healthcare bill. At one point, she even gives President Trump a new nickname. “He’s the King of Mean. Pathetically, Trump mistakes cruelty for strength,” said Dowd.

Photo credit: New York Times

Sadly, the Pulitzer Prize-winner mistakes vicious slander and character assassination as being newsworthy journalism. Never once in her hit piece did Dowd talk about the unprecedented level of hateful monolog that’s been published about the president by the liberal media. Not only have they criticized his looks and mental health, they have also relentlessly mocked his family. Yet, somehow, they can’t seem to fathom why President Trump has reacted to them with such disdain.

The mainstream media failed to examine his behavior from the context of their own. They have literally become presstitutes-journalists turned tabloid gossips who sell their integrity for their group-think activism.

We can only hope that one day, they will grow tired of their view from the gutter.



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