President Clinton handed out 396 pardons during his 8 years as president. Marcos Arcenio Fernandez is one of those people who was pardoned by Bill. Even though Bill pardoned the man, Marcos does not feel the same appreciation for Hillary. The 73 year old Arcenio actually despises the woman. He has made it clear through his obvious support for Trump. He even made donations to Trump’s campaign.

According to Arcenio, he has complete trust and support for Bill. But he is positive that Hillary is not on the same level. Fernandez was originally imprisoned for smuggling a boat of marijuana into the United States. Fernandez claims he doesn’t like Clinton’s attitude. And he doesn’t like how things are continually happening around her.

Why Was Fernandez Pardoned? 

The pardon Clinton gave to Fernandez was very controversial. And it had many Democrats speculating as to why he issued the pardons in the first place. A lot of people believe that Bill gave the pardons in lieu of favors he owed to old friends and allies. Almost like it was a type of political payback for helping out Clinton in the past.

More Pardoned People Refuse to Support Hillary

With the exception of a few high up status members, almost no one who Bill granted pardons to is showing support for Hillary. That’s at least true when it comes to any type of financial support.

Most of the people pardoned by Bill have avoided the political field entirely. And any of them who have contributed only showed support during the down ballot elections. They donated to Republicans and Democrats who were running for Congress. But avoided the presidential races altogether.

Some of the pardoned even believe that Hillary played a part in their release. But still are weary of giving any real support to her. They believe that Hillary will change nothing and the only way to see a political revolution of change happen is to keep Clinton out of office.

Clinton Pardoned Patrons Still Refuse to Support HillaryEven Democrats who are having a hard time supporting Trump are having the same feelings in regards to Hillary. Something isn’t right with her, and people can feel it. Many believe she is unfit to run this country. 

Another pardon given by Bill, was for former Arizona Governor John Fife Symington III. Even though the Clinton’s have shown him the utmost support and helped him with his release from prison, he still will not support Hillary. In fact, he has given donations to the GOP. Even one donation for $5,000. It’s shocking to a lot of people that even a full presidential pardon isn’t enough to sway them from their support of the Republican party.

They’re just too scared of what will happen if Hillary steps into the Oval Office. With all of her disdain for the American people and politicians throughout the country, who can blame them?

Maybe all of us should take some tips from the people who’ve been pardoned. If they aren’t willing to support Hillary and the Clintons, what does that say to the rest of us? Make the right choice when the time comes in November. Vote for Trump and let’s keep Hillary out of office forever.

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