2The Sweet Smell of Success

Photo Credit: theperfumegirl.com

You just can’t keep a good woman down. Especially if that woman is Ivanka Trump. And the harder people push her to quit the harder she works to win. She obviously gets that quality from her father.

Several major retailers, like Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus, began cutting ties with Ivanka over the last month. While most of them claim is was it only a “business decision,” it was clear to Ivanka’s supporters that it is more likely about political pressure.

Given that these decisions were made shortly after President Trump imposed a strict travel ban and vowed to crack down on illegal immigration, it would seem they are right. But despite the efforts of left-wing bully groups like “grabyourwallet.org,” Ivanka is succeeding.

Her clothing line is selling like hotcakes through independent retailers on EBay. And her perfume line is now a top-seller on Amazon. Her women’s Eau de Parfum spray and roll-on fragrance occupied the two top spots on Amazon this past week.

Photo Credit: footwearnews.com

The alluring scent has been described as a feminine floral that represents “style and grace.” That seems a fitting description for a perfume designed to represent the first daughter’s image. But her opponents shouldn’t be fooled.

Behind her beauty and sophistication lies a woman that is…


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