In 2012, Jean Jacques was released from prison on attempted murder charges. When immigration officers attempted to send him back to his home country of Haiti, he was denied access. His denial was based on the grounds his identity couldn’t be proven. Problems with criminal aliens being deported happen from time to time. 

In most cases the immigration officers go to the State Department. But experience with Hillary’s team taught these custom agents the State Department would be of no help. Jacques was not considered important enough by the State Department to deal with.

The State Department would simply not get involved in such low-level cases of this nature. Stories like this are common with Hillary’s run State Department. Years after his release from prison Jacques was at it again. This time his crimes was committed after countless unsuccessful attempts to deport the man. During a fit of rage over a drug dispute, Jacques stabbed Casey Chadwick. Chadwick was his then 25-year-old girlfriend.  

There have been thousands of criminal aliens who were released to freedom in the United States. Many of them during Hillary’s time with the State Department. 

There is no dispute over the allegations any longer. When a Country refused take back their criminals, Hillary would simply release them on the American public. Even though Hillary has received this information now, she still has nothing left to say. 

The information was presented to Hillary directly. It was given to her by the conservative presidential nominee. Trump pointed out that Hillary refused to use her position to encourage countries to comply with the measure of removing criminal aliens from the United States. While at the same time, Hillary refused visas to some of these same countries law abiding citizens. 

Trump also was heard saying, “She had the power and the duty to stop it cold, and she decided she would not do it.” After the statement, Trump spoke of his own immigration policies and how they would improve safety in America. His plan is to combine a tough approach to screening immigrants while fiercely critiquing how ex-presidents have handled immigration issues. 

Is Clinton Openly Accepting the World’s Criminal Aliens

Is Hillary Openly Accepting the World’s Criminal AliensThe state department has been reluctant to get involved in immigration disputes since Hillary’s tenure. Congress has repeatedly tried to get the State Department to be tougher on countries who refuse to take back their criminal aliens. 

The last two presidents have boshed congress’ attempts at rectifying immigration laws. 

“The problem of countries not taking back their deportees had been around for some time, but during her time as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton did nothing meaningful to address it, did not make it a priority and failed to utilize the tools in the law that would have helped,” stated Jessica Vaughan. Jessica is the policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies. 

There are now more than 20 countries who’ve refused back their criminal aliens. Countries include China, Haiti, Cuba, Guinea and Liberia among others. There are now at least 35,000 criminals from Cuba alone running free in the United States. Hopefully if Trump wins he can put a stop to this madness immediately. 

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