Law Officers Outraged By Prison Reform

Prison Reform | Photo Credit Fox News

Law officers in California are fed up with the various propositions raised by the government, which actually led to more violent crimes. Like a dozen other states, California is trying prison reform, in addition to being a Sanctuary State.

The Governor believes that Proposition 57 saves money and reduces crime, which is why he pitched the plan last year. In reality, violence in certain areas has actually increased over 50 percent.

In one example, a police officer was killed by a man who should have been behind bars, but was released despite violating his parole.

Violent Crimes On Rise In California

Fox News reports:

“More than a dozen states are considering similar plans [as early release laws] to save money, but California’s warning to others is: prison reform doesn’t work unless you actually reform those getting out.”

“Last year, Governor Brown sold voters on Proposition 57, which mandated the early release of supposed, non-violent offenders. Critics have heard it before. Prosecutors say measures to reduce the prison population by releasing non-violent offenders early and by making some felonies misdemeanors, has backfired.”

Stopping Violence Before It Happens

Prison Reform | Photo Credit Fox News

The Huffington Post reports:

“Most policy proposals for stopping violence do not require releasing violent offenders, or a wholesale reduction in sentencing. The best solutions involve preventing criminal violence in the first place so that fewer offenders wind up in prison for crimes that carry long sentences. For example, strategies like CompStat have allowed police to use statistical models to pinpoint areas where violence is likely to erupt.”

“Communities around the country have achieved historically low crime rates by flooding troubled areas with police (“hot spot policing”), installing gunfire locators and surveillance cameras, and placing floodlights lights in high crime areas at night. Some cities have experimented with empirically proven techniques like gang violence interruption, in which former gang members reach out to feuding youths to prevent violence from spreading. The common theme is focusing resources on those relatively few individuals, living in highly concentrated areas where the most serious offenses are committed.”

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