Trump Voters Were Scared

Trump cabinetPhoto credit: Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images

It’s no secret that Senator Elizabeth Warren isn’t a Trump fan.

Nevertheless, one has to wonder if she is even a fan of Americans. After her latest jaw-dropping statement, it is probably safe to presume that Warren doesn’t care for red, white and blue Americans (aka Trump supporters). In fact, she believes they are scared–and racist of course.

Speaking to the equally delusional Rachel Maddow last week, Warren told the MSNBC host that President Trump was able to tap into the “deep-seated anger felt among low- and middle-income voters.” “Part of it is an ugly stew of racism,” Warren said. “Part of it is Donald Trump tapped into anger. He got that people are deeply angry.” “And people are right to be angry,” she added.

“But Donald Trump said it’s their fault — those other people. Those people who don’t worship like you, those people who don’t look like you, those people who aren’t the same color as you.” Warren said that President Trump “told a story” to voters but suggested to Maddow that it was the…

Wrong Story

Trump Supporters (Credit: credit:

Senator Warren was partially right. Trump supporters were scared, albeit not for the reasons she has claimed. They were very afraid of what the future would hold for their children and grandchildren–with people like Warren taking up permanent residence in Congress. They feared that Democrats didn’t care about their jobs, their families, or their lives.

Trump supporters are diverse but, they did share common concerns. Like having open borders, where unvetted, untraceable refugees are allowed to roam freely and plan attacks on Americans. A country where the rights of those here illegally are more important than those of law-abiding citizens. A nation where taxpayers are forced to fund social welfare but have to fight for their social security.

Yes, Trump voters were scared, Senator Warren. 

However, they weren’t scared of “different.” They were afraid of the indifference that has defined the Democratic party for over a decade. That is why they turned out in droves to vote for Donald Trump. He told the right story and exposed people like you. Don’t blame them because you are offended by the truth.

Watch Kevin Jackson shred Senator Warren’s comments:

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