No matter how rock hard your muscles have become, you’re not spared from back ache. Stretching or straightening yourself up following the right posture is the main goal when treating back aches. Lower back pain for instance could have many causes. But it goes back to the same problem. There are various wellness management procedures available to address this. To make the pain go away forever is entirely up to you.

A back pain specialist can be:

  • doctors
  • orthopedics
  • spine surgeons
  • chiropractors
  • acupuncturists
  • physical therapists
  • psychotherapists

“Do it yourself” guidelines

A visit to a specialist can be worthwhile and highly recommended. Oftentimes, there’s an underlying disease causing the back pain. But what if you’re not satisfied with the diagnosis? One thing you could do is to try to stretch it out yourself and see if it gets better. Here’s a wellness management plan that is worth trying:

1. Relax muscles first

  • Sit on a chair with butt nearing the edge and feet flat on the floor at shoulder-width.
  • Lower down the chin as you contract your abs, and straighten your back when inhaling and exhaling slowly.
  • Bow down in front until your head passed your knees.
  • Grab both legs by holding the base of your lower leg and pull up as high as you can.

2. Breathe deeply as you stretch

  • Stand with your toes touching the floor and heels slightly apart.
  • Put your weight into your heels, then unlock knees and gently pull heels toward each other.
  • Stand as tall as possible, reach to extend arms overhead, and press fingertips together. Do this while inhaling then lift the rib cage away from hips.
  • Tighten the core as you exhale.
  • Repeat this breathing process until feeling tall and supported.

3. Do founder position to forward fold

  • Do the founder position by standing and slowly bending knees while raising up butt, rib cage not protruding, chin up and while body started to slant, raise both arms backwards.
  • From that founder position, bring hands down to the ground as you drive hips back.
  • Unlock knees and keep the weight in your heels.
  • When your hands are down to the ground, pull your hips back, up and away – reaching your hands as far forward as possible to counterbalance. Hold 20 to 30 seconds.

4. Extend your back by doing Assisted “Adductor”

  • Start on the ground by lying on your stomach.
  • Flex your feet and zip your legs together, make sure to keep a slight bend at the knees.
  • Press hips and knees into the ground then lift elbows up until the hands “float”.
  • Pull shoulders down towards your butt while lifting chest off the ground.
  • Try keeping your neck long and hold the pose for approximately 20 to 30 seconds.

5. Plank at Eight Points

  • Lie on your stomach with feet flexed, knees touching and elbows at few inches in front of shoulders.
  • Pull your shoulders away ears, gently squeeze knees and elbows toward the body’s center.
  • Press knees, toes, and elbows into the mat as you lift your hips up at shoulder level.
  • Tighten your core and maintain a nice, long, neutral spine.
  • Pull the elbows and knees toward each other and hold the plank for 20 to 30 seconds. Trembling is indicates that you’re doing it right.


6. Imitate a Woodpecker

  • Start from a lunge position, then press through your front heel and stand tall.
  • Lift your back heel up off the ground and reach the arms out in front of your heart.
  • Drive your butt as far back as you can. Don’t move your knee until you feel the stretch in your hamstrings.
  • Arms will then naturally reach further forward to counterbalance.
  • Tighten your core to maintain a neutral spine and slowly reach the arms overhead. Hold for at least 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Repeat the routine on the other side.

Knowing all these stretching remedies for back pain, it is giving you a hint that at the slightest pain felt, the body is signaling you that some body movements are not aligned with the natural system. Correct this at once before the problem deteriorates. Just stretch it out and repeat in the areas where it hurt the most.

Source: Thebalancedlifeonline

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