Who Is That Man In The Dark?

The Walking Dead | Photo Credit AMC At the end of “The Other Side,” it looked like Daryl Dixon had come to help out Rosita. The silhouette of a man with long hair and a crossbow stood off in the distance, outside of the Sanctuary.

Based on the last minute of “Something They Need,” this was actually Dwight, rather than Daryl Dixon. It’s not clear exactly what happened, but it looks like he guided Rosita back to Alexandria in order to speak with Rick.

Dwight wants to help Rick’s cause.

Rick Got More Than He Needed

The Walking Dead | Photo Credit AMC

In addition to enough guns to please Jadis, Rick also got a man on the inside. Assuming that Dwight will be returning to the Sanctuary, Rick might have someone who can truly help him set up Negan.

He’s already got Eugene, but let’s face it, Eugene is only there to help out whoever will keep him safe. Then there’s Sasha. Rick doesn’t know Sasha is being held captive, so there’s no communication there.

With Dwight, Negan already trusts Dwight, so this is Rick’s best chance.

Does Rick Know How To Use This Gift?

The Walking Dead | Photo Credit AMC

Unfortunately, something comes over Rick and he makes Dwight submit to him, similar to how Negan makes incoming Saviors submit. This shows power but seems like the wrong way to treat Dwight.

At this point, while we as an audience think Dwight has had enough and he’s truly there to help, Rick likely sees Negan playing a trick on him. Either that or he’s simply so enraged over the whole incident, this will be his new test.

Rick used to ask incoming members of his community three questions to try and gauge the person as good or bad. Making Dwight submit to him could be like this, but still seems too harsh.

Rick got more than what he needed in this episode, but it’s unclear if he knows how to use this gift.

Do you think there’s a chance that Dwight could still set up Rick Grimes?

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