3Imagine being stuck in the wilderness with nothing but a knife, a can of beans, and the clothes on your back. What would you do? 


When it comes to survival tips, you need to know your stuff. The more, the better. Knowing the main techniques could help keep you alive.

Think of it this way — this article could end up saving your life. It’s true.

Let’s look at just three of the many survival tips you should be familiar with…Fire!

You need fire for warmth, cooking food, and making smoke signals to call for help. 

One tip to making fire easily is to use fungus. Both coal fungus and horse hoof fungus are very flammable, and you can find both in dead trees.

They easily catch sparks, and they’re very dry so they’ll burn quite nicely.


Uncle Si (photo via Pinterest)

You also need water to, you know, live. The human body can only go a few days without it, so you should know how to find it in the wilderness.

It turns out, you can get it from trees. The best kinds of trees to get water from are ones whose leaves are directly in sunlight.

First, wrap a plastic bag around the leaves. When the water inside the leaves evaporates, the water will be trapped in the bag for you to drink.


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