Actor Steven Ogg is Outshing Negan and Dwight on ‘The Walking Dead’

In the episode of The Walking Dead, called “Go Getters,” which stars…

Is Kaley Cuoco Pulling The Trigger On The Big Bang Theory?

The Big Bang Theory Season 11 is to be canceled due to numerous reasons that involve the main cast as well as the encircling circumstances.

Trisha Petty, Author at – Page 2 of 4

Health & Lifestyle Family Grandkids Travel Health Meditation Yoga Food Foodie Nation…

Thoughts on Rick Grimes’ Leadership in Season 7 of ‘The Walking Dead’

Rick Grimes is in a position that he hasn’t been in for…

Brock Swinson | | Page 114

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Americans Can Be Sure Trump Will End the Assault On Law Enforcement

This has been an unprecedented time in our country with regards to assaults on law enforcement. Trump’s Presidency will end the madness.