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Plan Democrats Unveil Today Will Be Biggest “Burden” In All Of U.S. History If Approved

Democrats, led by Senator Bernie Sanders, want total control of your healthcare. On Wednesday they introduced a plan for a single-payer system,

State of Alert! Putin Backs out of Plutonium Deal with the U.S.

The United States Struck a deal with Russia back in 2000. Vladimir…

After Being Freed, O.J. Calls A Nevada Brothel With One Spine-Chilling Request

O.J. Simpson is enjoying his newfound freedom. But, his disturbing request for a companion at an infamous Nevada Brothel is raising serious questions.

Fans Furious About The Sitcom That Is Replacing “Last Man Standing” On

ABC created controversy after cancelling the popular conservative show, Last Man Standing, But if you thought that was bad, check-out their newest project.