Basic Commands To Teach Your German Shepherd

Attempting to control a dog that has not learned at least the…

German Shepherd For Family Protection – Right or Wrong?

German Shepherds make great pets and guard dogs for individuals or the whole…

Should You Train Your Puppy To Walk On A Leash?

Among the first things to teach your German Shepherd pup is how…

How Important Is Communication With Your Dog?

Communicating with your dog is not just about commands. People have all…

Thinking Of Getting a Second Dog? Here Are Some Warnings

In the US, 37% of dog owners own more than one other…

Why You Should Get A German Shepherd For Your Kids

The German Shepherd breed makes an excellent pet for children. Here are…

Why You Should Get A German Shepherd For Your Kids

The German Shepherd breed makes an excellent pet for children. Here are…

Yes, It Turns Out You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks!

It is a typical expression that we’ve heard millions of times. ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks’. But maybe we actually can?

Is Your Dog Aggressive? Try Behavior Management

Probably most of us are afraid of aggressive dogs, even if those are our own pet. However, there are ways to cope with an aggressive dog.

Is Your Dog Aggressive? Try Behavior Management

Probably most of us are afraid of aggressive dogs, even if those are our own pet. However, there are ways to cope with an aggressive dog.